Amy Rix, RSW, Child Protection Social Worker

Amy RixI was motivated to become a Social Worker because I wanted to work in a field where I knew my empathetic nature and eagerness to help others would be highly valued and put to good use. I decided to join Child and Family Services (CFS) following the completion of my first practicum with the division. I chose to continue my career in this field initially because of how welcoming and supportive all my coworkers were on my first placement. I was very inspired to see firsthand all the hard work CFS workers do, and the positive changes they see clients make in the course of their work with them.

My favourite part of working at CFS in PEI is how closely connected the community is and how easy it is to build working relationships within our service and with other service providers and agencies. These positive relationships are crucial to the work we do with our clients.

My advice for someone considering a career as a Social Worker is to do at least one placement in Child Protection. The field can be intimidating but once you really experience working in this job, you will see how rewarding a career it really is and the tremendous amount of support we give one another makes the hard work much easier.